
Season ? day 4602

games standings

Cape Town Transplants

"Trans Rights, Plant Lives"

Evolutions: 0


Nickname: The Greenhouse

Full name: Cape Town Natural History Museum and Hlockey Field

Description: Nobody is entirely sure if the museum or the field came first as they seem to wind through each other. Some people think the museum was built around where the game is played where others imagine it was impromptu demolition that caused this interesting phenomenon. Due to the grassy nature of it all however it is not uncommon for the puck getting stuck in thickets and weeds leading to a face off that will end you up closer to the opposing goal.

Hlockey type: Field


Left wing Marmil Eilarema
Offense 6.22
Defense 2.43
Agility 2.52
Center Eil Glim
Offense 2.89
Defense 3.17
Agility 4.48
Right wing Gena Ilenbel
Offense 2.99
Defense 1.86
Agility 5.29
Left defender Alebellena Ald
Offense 5.03
Defense 2.11
Agility 5.15
Goalie Kalianeraf Edge
Offense 5.02
Defense 7.38
Agility 5.54
Right defender Shancilesi Lucie
Offense 5.20
Defense 0.60
Agility 1.71


Merry Nate
Offense 0.76
Defense 6.25
Agility 4.41
Hayetinevo Sance
Offense 5.86
Defense 0.44
Agility 0.72
Ilenbelder Baca
Offense 4.44
Defense 4.72
Agility 1.91
Tonse Chryane
Offense 1.75
Defense 1.27
Agility 1.75

Player Mods:

Wins: 0

Losses: 0